AE阴影效果制作方法:Cast Shadow

after effects cast shadows

In After Effects you can create a realistic cast shadow that project off to other layers.

There are 3 important layers you need to know about in order to project a cast shadow correctly in After Effects.

  1. Main Layer (Shadow will cast from this layer)
  2. One or Multiple Solid Layer (Cast shadow will land on this layer)
  3. A light Layer

Follow these steps below or download the AE project file at the bottom

  1. Create a text layer
    Create a big text ex: 35px Arial
    Turn on 3D layer cube icon
  2. Create 2 Solids Layers
    – The first solid layer will be the wall background behind the text
    – The Second solid layer will be the floor under the text, make sure cast shadow option is turned on. See below
  3. Create a Spot light layer
    Now that we have create all the layers, let’s create the light that will cast the shadow on the wall and the floor.
    On the layer tab on top Layer>New>Light
    Light Layer Shortcut:
    WIN : Ctrl+Alt+Shift+L
    MAC: Command+Option+Shift+Make sure the spot light direction point to your text layer.

    To make multiple cast shadow you can also add more light layers until you like it.

If you haven’t got the same result as me, feel free to download the source project below.

Download the After Effects Cast Shadow project here

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