
本教程是关于AE二维角色动画大师级实例训练视频教程,时长:超过10小时,大小:2.9 GB,格式:MP4高清视频格式,附工程源文件,教程使用软件:,作者:Morgan Williams,共11个章节,语言:英语。

This is the rigging series from School of motion.
I just help seeding so the content is provided as it is.
It helps you do 2D rigging in After Effects for 2D Motion Graphic.
You can read more information from this link
Rigging is the unsung hero of Character Animation
Character Animation takes a lot of know-how and practice no matter how you dp it. But if you’re working with 2D or 3D animation software, great character animation also takes something else: a well-built rig. A bad rig makes animation difficult, inefficient, and limits your range of movement. A good rig will give you a greater range of motion, but more importantly make the animation process easier and more intuitive allowing the animator to focus on the most important thing – the character’s performance.
Become a rigging MacGyver
Rigging Academy is designed to teach you how to rig just about ANYTHING. There are some core principals at the heart of Rigging that you’ll learn which can be applied to humans, animals, aliens, robots, cartoon characters… just about any type of creature you can think up. Once you know the basics, the trick is to know how to handle edge cases… and that’s where this course really shines.



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果味酱CG小屋 » AE二维角色动画大师级实例训练视频教程F
