AE MG图形动画高级技巧 Udemy After Effects Motion Graphics–Advanced Shape Layers
AE MG图形动画高级技巧 Udemy After Effects Motion Graphics–Advanced Shape Layers
适合MG动画初学者,从简介AE Shape图形开始,逐步到动画的制作
You don’t have to be an After Effects genius to be able to make amazing motion graphics. These video tutorials are at the perfect pace for even beginners. I highly recommend taking After Effects: Motion Graphics for Beginners before taking this course. But for those of you with After Effects experience, jump right in!
The course starts with video tutorials on shape theory and techniques. We go over the basic process of creating shape motion graphics. Then we go dive deeper by using these shape layer animations to create professional motion graphic projects. I’m with you every step of the way, and am always available for questions.
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果味酱CG小屋 » AE MG图形动画高级技巧 Udemy After Effects Motion Graphics–Advanced Shape Layers