2019最新版红巨星中文字幕教程Particular 3 for After Effects Essential Training带工程
红巨人 Red Giant 的 Trapcode粒子套装中又一款强大的粒子生成器插件 Particular,它是Adobe After Effects中最重要的插件之一。在这门课中作者将帮助你加快学习速度。首先,展示了如何创建一个基本的发射器和粒子系统。然后研究了不同种类的发射器和粒子属性;分享如何创建自定义粒子; 光线和摄像机是如何与粒子系统相结合的; 并解释了如何使用多个系统构建复杂的粒子。在为具体工作打下了坚实的基础之后,他深入研究了一些短期项目,展示了如何用时间因素来阻止时间,从其他粒子中创造出次级粒子系统,创造出光条纹,等等。
Red Giant Trapcode Particular—an industry-standard particle generator—is one of the most important plugins for Adobe After Effects. In this course, join Ian Robinson as he helps you get up to speed with using Particular 3 for After Effects. To begin, Ian shows how to create a basic emitter and particle system. He then examines different kinds of emitters and particle attributes; shares how to create custom particles; looks at how lights and cameras are integrated with particle systems; and explains how to build complex particles using multiple systems. After building a solid foundation for working in Particular 3, he dives into some short projects, showing how to stop time with Time Factor, create secondary particle systems from other particles, create light streaks, and more.
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果味酱CG小屋 » 2019最新版红巨星中文字幕教程Particular 3 for After Effects Essential Training带工程