创意MG动画片头制作教程 School of Motion – Crafting Visual Essays


在这个工作坊中,Holdframe 的获奖导演兼创始人乔·唐纳森 (Joe Donaldson) 谈论了他为《纽约客》创作的系列。我们讨论了从项目的概念发展和过程,一直到每部电影中使用的制作技术的所有内容。这个工作坊提供了一个独特的幕后一瞥,让我们了解每部关于开创性人物的电影的创作过程:伦纳德·科恩、珍妮尔·莫奈和大卫·阿滕伯勒。在短短 15 周内制作了 3 部近 3 分钟的电影,特别关注做出了哪些决定、原因以及感觉如何。

In this Workshop, award-winning director and founder of Holdframe, Joe Donaldson, talks about the series he created for The New Yorker. We discuss everything from the project’s conceptual development and process, all the way down to the production techniques used in each film. This Workshop offers a unique behind-the-scenes glimpse at what went into creating each of these films on seminal figures: Leonard Cohen, Janelle Monáe, and David Attenborough. Focusing specifically on what decisions were made, why, and what it was like producing 3, nearly 3-minute films, in just 15-weeks.



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果味酱CG小屋 » 创意MG动画片头制作教程 School of Motion – Crafting Visual Essays

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