基础简单特效动画AE教程(中英字幕) Udemy – After Effects CC The Complete Motion Graphics Design and VFX


基础简单特效动画AE教程(中英字幕) Udemy – After Effects CC The Complete Motion Graphics Design and VFX


In this course, we create a different project with exercise files so you can follow along with all the files I used in this video I will provide the link so you can find other useful files to practice with.I will be around if you have any question or anything you want me to add to the course please  feel free to post it question section so we can discuss on and also I will be ading new lectures in this course  every single week to make the course perfect.


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果味酱CG小屋 » 基础简单特效动画AE教程(中英字幕) Udemy – After Effects CC The Complete Motion Graphics Design and VFX
