ae/PR视频运动模糊插件RSMB ReelSmart MotionBlur Pro v5.1.1 CS5 – CC 2015 Win64一键安装破解版
REVisionFX 公司出过很多插件,知名的变速插件 Twixtor Pro 也是他旗下的产品,
ReelSmart MotionBlur Pro v4.2.0 (简称RSMB)由REVisionFX公司出品,一款动态模糊插件插件,
W:动态模糊或运动模糊(motion blur)是静态场景或一系列的图片像电影或是动画中快速移动的物体造成明显的模糊拖动痕迹。
AE/Premiere运动模糊插件 RSMB ReelSmart MotionBlur Pro v5.1.1 CS5 – CC 2015 Win64一键安装破解版
ReelSmart MotionBlur可以在AE中给视频添加真实的运动模糊,十分常用的一个插件
AE/Premiere视频调色插件 NewBlue ColorFast 3.0 Win64
- Fixes some bugs in RSMB Pro within After Effects CC 2014 where the render cache was not properly re-rendered when masks were modified that the plug-in was using.
- Adds support for RVL_NOGUI_LIC and RVL_QUIT_LIC_FAIL environment variables during render-only use in After Effects.
Automatically add more natural-looking motion blur to a sequence using ReelSmart Motion Blur. Our tracking technology is at the heart of ReelSmart Motion Blur, so there is no handwork involved. Of course you can add as little or as much blurring as you need and even remove motion blur! Finally, you can create very interesting effects by blurring one sequence by using the motion from another.
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果味酱CG小屋 » ae/PR视频运动模糊插件RSMB ReelSmart MotionBlur Pro v5.1.1 CS5 – CC 2015 Win64一键安装破解版