AE PR VEGAS 香料转场+特效插件Pixelan Spicemaster 3.0.2 Win
很不错的一款转场插件 Pixelan SpiceMaster Pro又名香料转场插件,插件提供超过600种转场效果,拥有1000多种极好的香料几何形状可供选择,所有这些都可轻松定制。它支持主流的视频编辑软件,任意的添加视频效果,让你的视频更加的个性化。在制作过程中支持预览和撤销,是一款非常不错的软件。
SpiceMaster has long been digital video’s leading video transitions plugin and effects animation plugin for creating custom soft/organic transitions between two video clips, or animating other video effects within a SINGLE video clip, greatly enhancing your creative flexibility with your video editing software. Pixelan spices have been used by more than 250,000+ video editors worldwide! 官网:
支持 Win 系统软件:
Premiere Pro CS4 – CC 2019
After Effects CS4 – CC 2019
Sony Vegas v9 – v13
Magix Movie Edit Pro 2013 或更高版本
Magix Video Pro X X4 或更高版本
VEGAS Pro 14 或更高版本
VEGAS Movie Studio 14 或更高版本
链接: 提取码: 28fc
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果味酱CG小屋 » AE PR VEGAS 香料转场+特效插件Pixelan Spicemaster 3.0.2 Win