AE教程-创意文字标题MG动态排版设计动画制作 (英文字幕)

教程旨在了解如何设置文本以创建强大且灵活的排版系统。如今,我们的生活中有很多数字屏幕。从智能手机到广告牌。随之而来的是运动设计中对排版的大量需求。通常是因为内容是在没有音频的情况下消费的。在本课程中,您将学习如何在 After Effects 中创建动画字体。你可以用它打字,就像任何其他字体一样。但它有额外的运动奖励。动画制作需要一些努力,但一旦完成,您可以一遍又一遍地应用它以快速创建一致且强大的排版内容。非常适合作为个人项目,甚至更好地将其作为动效品牌的一部分出售给您的客户。


There are a lot of digital screens in our lives today. From smartphones to Billboards. And with it comes large demand for typography in motion design. Often because the content is consumed without audio.In this course, you’ll learn how to create an animated typeface within After Effects. You can type with it, just like any other typeface. But it has the added bonus of motion. It takes some effort to animate but once finished, you can apply it over and over again to quickly create consistent and powerful typographic content. Great as a personal project, and even better to sell to your clients as part of their motion branding.



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果味酱CG小屋 » AE教程-创意文字标题MG动态排版设计动画制作 (英文字幕)

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